Start Our subjects Global Team Management

Global Team Management

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Target Groups
arrow Sales
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arrow Research & Development
arrow Logistics
arrow Project Management

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You will learn
arrow how to generate the optimization of the employees potential

and performanceDarbietung von Bestleistungen
arrow how to develop evolutionary team process
arrow how to implement new knowledge fast in your company
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arrow speech / training, interaction, group dynamic learning
arrow discussion, workshop
arrow individual and collective feed back
arrow brain sessions, brain gym
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arrow Management in change
arrow Success factors related to the individual and the company
arrow Teamwork by considering multicultural aspects
arrow International top trends
arrow Process management
arrow New ways of thinking
arrow CoachingBegleitung in diversen Business-Prozessen
arrow Internal and external team communication
arrow New dimensions of teamwork
arrow Multidimensional communication
arrow the Role of new teams and the role of the top management
arrow National & international factors of success: visionZukunfts-Vereinbarung. Die Vision ist etwas, was man nie erreichen kann. Sie ist ein kollektiver Glaube, der kollektive Energien kohärent macht , missionAuftrag z.B Business-Auftrag ,

culture, mind
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